Friday, February 6, 2009

Northrend Leatherworking Spreadsheet Updated

I've updated the Northrend Leatherworking spreadsheet over at Google Docs again. I found a couple of bugs (misplaced cells) and one outright wrong recipe that have now been fixed. The default prices now reflect more in line with the new drop rates for crystalline/eternals (but you can still adjust them to suit you) which resulted in some much cheaper prices than you might expect.

Lower prices is actually a good thing. It's not simply mickey-mousing the game up. It makes the eternals cheaper in the auction house, which means player-crafted epics can come down in price. The amount of effort needed to get the money to buy these actually should be less than the amount of effort (and time) it takes to pound heroics until an equivalent drop happens, because the heroic drops tend to be better still. Now we're much closer to that than before.

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